Challenge: Create a benefits brochure for employees that engages them (vs bores them) and reflects the good nature of the agency.
Solution: I focused on the character attributes of Swirl (goodness in employee character and emphasis on wellness by management) and created a brochure that employees would receive as an origami replica of Swirl’s building in The Presidio that unfolds to a brochure. Many employees were bicycle enthusiasts, so I made the layout like a bicyclist journey.
Challenge: Create a brand for the Strategy department within Swirl (called The Think) to position as unique and upscale.
Solution: Combine the different character traits of the people and culture of The Think: Intricately-wired problem solvers, authentic personalities, and old school mannerisms (think: handwritten notes from a VP steeped in etiquette). Hence: An Art Deco-inspired logo with maze-like lines to signify the often labyrinthine, unexpected journey of thinking through a problem.
Paper Cutouts
What happens when a designer discovers a Pazzles device that can cut out illustrations he makes in Illustrator? So many cards, gifts, and pop-i9ups.
Personal illustrations
After moving to San Francisco, I started synthesizing my new home — so very different culturally and visually from my original home. In my downtime, I started noodling on combinations of the new visuals I encountered on the West Coast: tribal tattoos (I may have been the only person without one), local animals (sea lions, bears, sheep/rams [that ate weeds in the Berkeley Hills]), as well as the Scandinavian, Pac NW Native American, and Pacific Island influences.