BMW/ZHU | Campaign
Challenge: Promote BMW car series to attract a typically distracted, younger millenial audience who are interested in disruption.
Solution: Create music event featuring ZHU where participants are unable bring in phones. Promote concept of disruption via glitch visual devices and using colors of new BMW car (Red, Blue, Yellow) to simulate digital RGB. Create entertaining background visuals for event also showing technological problems in current society.
Design, Animation
Creative Direction: Stephano Raggiani, Art Direction: Anthony Barresi
Promotional animated and static banners (300x250 animated and 728x90 featured) encouraging event registration (pre-event) and downloading of event video.
Pre-Show / Registration
Pre-Show / At Event
Pre-show, behind-the-stage animations — spliced with BMW X2 commercial —furthering the “no phones” (be in-the-moment) theme.